HillDT Blog

Adding Value for Patients of Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a highly competitive field, with over 77,000 chiropractors currently licensed in the United States. Because of market saturation in many cities, many chiropractic offices rely on referrals to grow their business. But sometimes, the challenge is just getting that first client in the door, then delighting them so that they want to promote your business. How do you create and add value for your patients?

What Are the Risks of Spinal Decompression?

Back pain is incredibly prevalent in the United States, with roughly 80 percent of adults seeking treatment for the condition at some point during their lifetimes. In some cases, such as disk problems, spinal stenosis, and spinal nerve root conditions, patients are often recommended and see relief from some form of spinal decompression. But what are the risks of spinal decompression?

There are two distinct ways to achieve spinal decompression: non-surgical and surgical. Each option presents its own unique risks and complications that healthcare practitioners and patients should know.

Growing Chiropractic Credibility

To put it mildly, chiropractic care hasn't always enjoyed the best reputation in some circles. Frequently embroiled in controversy both within the chiropractic community and the wider medical world, misrepresented chiropractic results and studies have created a stain upon the profession as a whole. This perception is changing, however, and almost half of all adults in the United States have been patients of chiropractic offices. We’ve gathered three studies from the past decade that highlight a growing confidence in chiropractic.

Real World Results from Spinal Decompression Therapy

While studies and reports are valuable for determining the efficacy of spinal decompression therapy, they’re not always the best way to connect with potential clients. To healthcare practitioners that work with numbers, statistics, and variables every day, knowing the impact on a population is vital to building trust in the treatment. For patients, sometimes what works best is a story. Behind every spinal decompression therapy machine statistic is a real-world success story. Here’s one:

Are Patients Satisfied with Spinal Decompression Therapy?

At any given time, about 31 million Americans are experiencing some form of low-back pain. Even more staggering, an estimated 80% of the population will experience back problems at some point in their life. Many patients who seek relief are recommended invasive spine surgery, which has large associated costs and long recovery times. One alternative is spinal decompression therapy, and patients who have chosen it have experienced outstanding results.

Spinal Decompression Therapy Results

The human body is complex. When something goes wrong, no two conditions are exactly alike, and therefore there’s no such thing as a cure-all or cookie-cutter treatment. Spinal decompression therapy is no different, but while it can’t fix every spinal condition, it does provide lasting results for conditions that are otherwise difficult to treat. So, where have practitioners seen the most success with non-surgical spinal decompression?

An Overview of the Effectiveness of Spinal Decompression

While there’s still some uncertainty about the efficacy of spinal decompression therapy in the world of healthcare, a lot of work as been done to prove that the treatment is beneficial to patients and practitioners alike. First knowing the how and why of spinal decompression is critical to understanding how health care practitioners have been able to achieve incredible results with this therapy.

NUHS Whole Health Center welcomes new chiropractic technology for pain treatment

Chiropractic interns at the Whole Health Center in Lombard now have a new tool to help patients suffering from back and neck pain in place of opioids or surgery.

The state-of- the-art decompression table, currently on loan from HillDT Solutions, uses load sensor technology that measures and monitors treatment force and patient resistance. These measurements allow for more consistent results and can help patients respond better to chiropractic treatment. In addition to back and neck pain, the table can treat sciatica, pain in the legs caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve, and neuropathy, pain in the hands or feet caused by nerve damage.

How Chiropractors are Uniquely Qualified to Offer Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression therapy has been gaining traction as an effective and simple treatment for conditions such as chronic back or neck pain, and patients across the country have been seeing results. While there are many different types of medical practices that can and do benefit from offering non-surgical spinal decompression, chiropractors are in a unique position to leverage spinal decompression for their patients. Here’s how:

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Content Updated on 01/28/2019

In both chiropractic settings and the broader medical world, spinal decompression therapy has been frequently misunderstood and misrepresented. Often conflated with claims of bad science, decompression therapy suffers from a bad reputation. Despite the bad press that has arisen from lack of information, spinal decompression therapy is an effective and relatively simple non-surgical treatment for the complicated causes of chronic back pain and other conditions. In this post, we’ll go over the basics of decompression therapy and how it can benefit you.